Cancer Care Package Ideas
Do you have a friend or loved one
recently diagnosed with cancer?
Here are some ideas that may offer comfort and support:

"The Magic Mirror" solo harp CD has helped thousands of people sleep and has been shown to have a positive impact on brainwave and immune system function. I listened to this music twice a day when going through my cancer treatments (and continue to listen to it several times a week) It's a great gift for patients and caregivers
High quality essential oils can help ease the discomfort of nausea, pain and emotional distress. I use doTERRA essential oils to support my body, mind, and sense of well-being. I'd love to share them with you.
Biotine Mouthwash (great for dry mouth during chemotherapy)
Peppermints for dry mouth
Water Bottle to encourage drinking enough water especially before chemotherapy
Journal to encourage the expression of thoughts, feelings, fears, dreams, etc.
Banana Boat AfterSun Lotion I used it as soon as radiation treatment starts...don't wait until skin gets red
A bottle of 5mg Melatonin capsules...I took 15 mg. every promotes sleep plus healthy cell development and hair follicles. PubMed and Review Article
Probiotics help support digestive functioning. Always get approval from your doctor before taking any supplements
Plastic lemon squeeze bottle...warm lemon water is great for the liver
Green tea sampler
Thermal light-weight lunch box/bag for packing healthy snacks to take during chemotherapy
Pretty soft scarf would be nice for when the hair falls out
Cozy, soft blanket to keep warm during temperature dropped every night and I would be freezing before bed so extra blankets were great
Small Neck Pillow
Warm Footies to wear around the house
Funny Videos
Gift cards to gas stations, local restaurants and grocery stores so everyone in the family can breathe easier
Cleaning for a Reason coupon to help with house cleaning
Bali Women's Microfiber Crop Top Bra - I loved this bra while going through radiation treatment - it breathes, it supports, it's pretty, it's light
You can tell your loved one about the free classes and support groups
available through the Cancer Support Community
Nancy's List is a valuable resource didn't know about when going through my treatments - hope it helps: FINANCIAL RESOURCES FOR CANCER PATIENTS
You could also include a link to my book, "Loving Life...All of It - A Walk with Cancer, Compassion and Consciousness"
"Loving Life...all of it" a book about living life fully!